Sunday, November 23, 2008

A saint passed away recently...

The Deese Family - (l-r) Lynn D Moree, Charles Deese, Nina D Carnell, Carla "Danky" Taylor, Diane D Gay, Mary D Morgan, and Richard Deese

My aunt, Carla "Danky" Taylor passed away this past Thursday, November 20, 2008. She had developed alzheimers and over the last several years, it had progressed leaving her in a state that sometimes she is aware for just a little time and then off into the place that these minds go.

My aunt Danky was the oldest in my mom's family and she was like the rock of the family...spiritually. She is the one who has prayed for each of her brothers and sisters and family members for many, many years. She has prayed for their soul most importantly. As a Christian, you have a true desire for others to come to know Jesus Christ...especially your own family members. You have a desire for them to know the Savior and what He has done for all of us. You have a desire for them to know the many blessings that He gives to us, the protections, and the guidance. And the most important, you have a desire for them to know...the PEACE of knowing that one day...whenever each of them finally lays down to rest for eternity...that they will be in the arms of Jesus Christ to live with Him forever.

This, my friends and family, was the true desire of my aunt Danky! I am thankful that I was raised in a Christian home where not only my family "knew" God existed but "knew" God existed in a way that their actions tried to follow those of our Lord. In this environment, I learned many things, not just from going to church, but from the examples my parents gave me! Thank you Lord for this wonderful blessing!

Watch this small video clip of my Aunt Danky (on right) along with another saint, my aunt Mary (on the left).

And as she would say to you and to her remaining family... I am saying to you....

Do you know Jesus? Do you "know" Him as a friend and most importantly Savior? Without Him, how lost I would be. He won't turn you away... when you truly want to KNOW Him.

In Memory of Carla "Danky" Taylor -
She is resting in the arms of Jesus Christ and is healthy once again!

1 comment:

L said...

Thank you Susan. She was a saint.

your mama