ok, so things are different here in Mexico..actually most other countries than the US. We got the hen today and I started preparing it.....you can check out the video...
you know, they eat some of the innerds in the US too, but I had never heard of eating the eggs before they were layed! The feathers weren't too bad, just a bit more than what we have here. When I buy wings for hot wings, I usually end up plucking a good bit out. Its worth it though. Hope its delicious! Not having our food an sanitized and spanky clean reminds us that food comes from somewhere does it?
Hola Familia Alvarez! Alguien ha estado comiendo muy saludable. 100% organico. Noelia y yo solo hemos querido saludarles. Que el Dios de paz sea siempre con vosotros.
you know, they eat some of the innerds in the US too, but I had never heard of eating the eggs before they were layed! The feathers weren't too bad, just a bit more than what we have here. When I buy wings for hot wings, I usually end up plucking a good bit out. Its worth it though. Hope its delicious! Not having our food an sanitized and spanky clean reminds us that food comes from somewhere does it?
Hola Familia Alvarez! Alguien ha estado comiendo muy saludable. 100% organico. Noelia y yo solo hemos querido saludarles. Que el Dios de paz sea siempre con vosotros.
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