(Top left: Narcizo getting ready for with the stroller - our great yard sale buy!
Narcizo and I looking at Baby Alvarez at 8months...we are waiting dear!
Next, Narcizo and I at 2 days before our babies arrival!
Narcizo and I on July 17th with Susan Emiliana Alvarez Moree!
And here we are heading home as a family!)
Let's see it was May 29th, when I last wrote on the blog...since then many things have happened. We have spent this time here with my parents in Heath Springs...during the birth of our baby girl, Susan Emiliana Alvarez Moree. She was born on July 17th at 3:34 am. She weighed 7.4lbs and was 20 1/2 " at birth! The Lord blessed us...as He always does. She is absolutely beautiful! Other blessings concerning this, we were at the hospital for a breast-feeding class when my water broke so we just walked on upstairs to Labor and Delivery! I was in labor for 3 hours and the delivery was normal and all natural with no complications....thank you Lord!
Since then, Narcizo and I have been getting accustomed to our little angel while mom and dad have been enjoying her (and spoiling her!) We went to the beach the first of August for a little taste of the SC beaches before we head back to Mexico. She has been able to enjoy our Saturday morning hobby...yard sales! (well, we enjoyed them..and she slept!) She is sleeping through the night with only one time to wake up for feeding on most nights. We are thankful!
We have been able to reconnect with friends and family during our stay and have enjoyed many meals with friends in their homes! I have been serving mom and dad Authentic Mexican meals...and some other friends....and they have all enjoyed it!
Emiliana received a vaccine shot at her 1 month checkup which led to a staff infection. So, for the last month we have been fighting off that with 3 rounds of antibiotics and several visits to the surgeon! Thankfully, it is healing now! Our plans to return to Mexico changed during this time, as we don't want to travel with the possibility of her leg worsening. We wanted it fully healed! During this time, we were asked about the possibility of driving back to Mexico and taking Narcizo's brother's truck...we accepted as it will allow us to take back things that we need for Emiliana. So, as we begin our journey back on the 19th of October...please begin to pray for us during this time! We plan to drive as long as possible with a 3 month old and then stay somewhere for the night. So, we assume it will take us about a week to get to his mom's house in Veracruz. Then we plan to stay with her for a week before heading on to our home...she is sooo looking forward to seeing her grand-daughter!
Honestly, this should put us back to our house around the first of November and we will get settled in and begin handing out our flyers for the classes and calling students to come back! Pray for blessings on our work.
And one last thing, please pray with us as we ask God to lead us as husband and wife and also as mother and father in the things He would have us do....in the ways He would have us raise our daughter and in the influence we can have in our teachings to our students! May He bless our work...and may we bless His name always.
More pictures to come!
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