Friday, October 31, 2008

Our new hammock!

You know I have never been fond of a hammock before. I guess because I have never owned one. Well, we recently bought one while visiting another state here with my parents. Last week, we finally had the chance to put it up! And what an amazing thing! I absolutely love it! Especially around 1:30 or 2:00 in the afternoon...the sun is in just the right place and even if its a little feels great. The sun is beating on me and allowing me to get a little more tan for the end of the year. To cover my guiltiness, I carry a book with me...perhaps The Purpose Driven Life or some English books...but after, let's be honest, 2-4 minutes...its down and my eyes are shut! We also enjoyed one night under the stars, built a fire, got the blanket and pillow and watched a movie in it. If you don't have one, try it out....You will love it!

1 comment:

sonja said...

Hi Susan,
I love your new hammock, you look pretty relaxed in it. You look great, always smiling. I check your webpage about once a week, love the pictures and the stories you share. I'm so glad you're happy and I hope God continues to bless you and your husband and your ministry whatever it is.
love Sonja